JC Groves
Lead Pastor
JC who is from Catoosa County/Chattanooga and Kym who’s from Paris, TX have been together 17 years, married for 14 and they have 6 kids and a Labradoodle named Bowden. (GO Noles)
JC has been in full time ministry for 22 years. Serving in Tennessee, Georgia and Utah. He was the founding Campus Pastor of Rock Bridge Community Church, Ringgold Campus where he served for 9 years until God moved them to South Georgia and back into Student and College ministry. JC is excited to be back home in Catoosa county planting his first church!
JC is one of the host on the Recovering Fundamentalist Podcast. Three pastors started the podcast in January 2020 and to date they are at almost 3 million downloads! Each week they talk about topics that deal with legalism in the church. They want to help and encourage those whose lives have been negatively affected by fundamentlaist legalism in the church and challenge those who promote tradition over scripture.