Hope Church is Moving!

Why are we moving?

God blessed us with this current building 2 years ago when we were just a brand new church. It’s been a huge blessing and we are so thankful for it. However, after about a year in this building we started to out grow it. Leadership and I began to pray and look for a larger place to call home… But, we couldn’t find anything! About a month ago we found out that the building where The Gathering and Be Love have been meeting was going to be available for rent. This building had not even been an option as it was being sold…. BUT GOD had other plans! We will be moving from a 150 seat auditorium at 2 services about to add a third, to a 350 seat auditorium with more Hope Kids space!  


When & where are we moving?

We will be in our current building at 2 Harker Rd. Fort Oglethorpe the whole month of September. Our first Sunday in the new building at 2501 Pine Grove Rd. Ringgold, GA will be Sunday, October 6th! 


Will anything change?

Yes and no… The biggest change will be gathering for ONE service on Sundays at 10:30am (for now). This facility is an upgrade in just about every way: Large worship space, Hope Kids rooms and so much open space for gathering in community! (Literally the lobby is larger than the current auditorium)


What is exciting about this move?

HOPE CHURCH IS GROWING! In 23 short months that we’ve been a church, we’ve seen God do incredible things. We’ve seen 50 people take their next step in baptism! We’ve had ministry outreaches to our community. We’ve grown closer as a family. Although we are still an extremely young church plant, it’s exciting to see how God has blessed so much in such a short amount of time. I really do believe the best is yet to come!


What can you do to help?

First, pray. This opportunity has been God-sent, and we want to continue to be sensitive to His leading. We believe this is not just an opportunity to get into a better space, but it’s also an opportunity to refine and improve all that we do. As a young church, we are learning and growing, and we want to continually get better at stewarding and shepherding the people God has brought to us and the people he is going to bring.

Second, Give. We will be having a special Expansion Offering on Sunday, September 8th. To help offset some of the cost of moving! You can give at hopechurchcatoosa.com/give.

Third, serve. We will need more volunteers in just about every area of ministry – Parking. security, cafe, greeting, worship, children, administration, ushering, hospitality/welcome and more. If you could be on one or more of these teams and commit for the next 6 months, that would be amazing.

Go to hopechurchcatoosa.com and click the link that says “Serve at Hope Church” 

Fourth,  invite. Some of you were hesitant to bring someone with you in the past because of limited space. Now, this will not be a problem. Please prayerfully consider those who may need to hear the Gospel or be strengthened in their faith, and invite them! 


Fifth, JOIN US! 


Come Grow With Us! 
